Chakra Attributes

Chakras are centers in the brain and spinal cord where the physical body (the material substance of our body), our astral body (emotions and desires), and our causal body (thoughts and beliefs) are knit together, and the study of how they influence one another. Focused meditations, it is said, can help a yogi disentangle from our physical influence, examine our emotional attachments, and mental misconceptions to free consciousness and expand into realms of wisdom and bliss.

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Sue Reynolds
Yin Yoga

How we react to dramas, sensations, the impulses we have to the sensations on the mat are often how we react at other times in our lives when we face great challenges. Maybe you run away from what is happening, perhaps try to change it, give up and suffer through it, or accept it. In our Yin practice, when we really want to come out, if we pay very close attention, we start to notice how we want something else other than what is happening right now. We notice whether we are mentally hiding (running away), or moving to a different position (changing something).  Do we stay still but get upset and begin negative and judgmental self-talk (suffering through), or do you finally decide that at this moment in your life, this is what you are meant to be experiencing?

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Sue Reynolds#Yin, #Yoga

The Kleshas

The truth is, most of us contend with all of the obstacles to some degree or another. It’s helpful, though, to review the descriptions and identify which of these is a consistent trap for you.

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Sue Reynolds