Chakra Attributes

Exploring Chakras


What are Chakras?

Chakras are centers in the brain and spinal cord where are woven together the three bodies: physical body (our body, material substance), astral body(emotions and desires), and causal body (thoughts and beliefs). Each influences the others.  Focused meditations, it is said, can help a yogi disentangle from our physical influence, examine our emotional attachments, and mental misconceptions to free consciousness and expand into realms of wisdom and bliss.

During a great yoga session, we don’t often think about our “chakras”. After teaching two thousand hours of classes I set out to research and create the perfect yoga practice to clear and strengthen the chakras in the order the ancient Indian texts suggested. Guess what I found? The Ashtanga order of poses. Keep in mind that an hour class can not cover all of the poses. In a private practice, when I’m hitting every pose in Primary, much of Intermediate, and a few favorite advanced poses, I use up my full two hours.

Though you may have noticed over a multitude of classes, an order to most vinyasa classes: Warm up, Sun Salutations A then B, Standing poses, Balance poses, and seated poses. Typically, that is followed by the finishing poses: Backbends, shoulder stand, inversions, twist and rest. Once you study the chakras, it is perfectly understandable why we feel so wonderful almost euphoric after a yoga class, as long as you are being true to yourself and your breath, and dropping the ego during the time.

So let’s get an idea of these energy centers, the subtle body which works to make you feel so refreshed after a yoga class..

Susumna Meridian-a special meridian that lies along and inside the spine that contains all of the chakras. (Strung like beads on a string from the coccyx to the top of the skull.)

The crown chakra is sometimes referred to as Brahman’s Gate, called the fontanel (location of the soft spot in infants.)

Don’t be limited to physical conceptions when thinking of chakra location.  Dr. Motoyama within his description of chakras, said the Chakras, like flowers, have roots within the spine, while the flower of a chakra opens out from the spine and into the body in a significantly larger but less defined region. 

To expand consciousness, we pause and explore the movement of chi in each dimension.  In the physical dimension, this means siting still, and slowing the breath.  In the astral dimension, it means controlling our responses to the emotions we experience.  In the causal dimension, it means calmly observing our thoughts without reaction or attachment.

One meditates on where one is most sensitive in the spine area and associate this with the chakra or observing more general sensations within the body.  

To help in the observation, each Chakra has commonly accepted attributes that can assist with this process.

Chakra Attributes

1st Chakra- Muladhara Chakra- Root Chakra                           

Affirmation: You have the right to be.

Meridians most affected: Kidney, Urinary Bladder.         

Color: Red 

The 4-petaled lotus.       

Seed Sound: Lam           

Location:  Base of the spine         

Element: Earth 

Archetype: Earth Mother.                       

Negative archetype: Victim    

Demons: Fear         

Issues: Sense of belonging, security, survival, grounding


2nd Chakra- Svadhisthana Chakra- Sacral Chakra.          

Affirmation: You have the right to feel.

Meridians most affected: Kidney, Urinary Bladder         

Color: Orange 

The 6-petaled lotus 

Seed Sound: Vam   

Location:  Sacrum, genitals              

Element: Water    

Archetype: Lover            

Negative archetype: Martyr, Demons: Guilt         

Issues: Sexual energy, Enhanced Immune System, Pleasure/pain.

 3rd Chakra- Manipura Chakra- Navel Chakra                     

Affirmation: You have the right to act.

Meridians most affected: Stomach and Spleen                 

Color: Yellow 

10-petaled lotus

Seed Sound: Ram   

Location:  Solar plexus, Pancreas, Digestive System                         

Element: Fire     

Archetype: Hero                                                                

Negative archetype: Slave, Demons: Shame         

 Issues: Power, autonomy, self-esteem, confidence, will.

4th Chakra- Anahata Chakra- Heart Chakra           

Affirmation: You have the right to love and be loved.

Meridians most affected: Heart and Small Intestine.       

Color: Green 

The 12-petaled lotus 

Seed Sound: Yam  

Location: Heart, respiration, circulation & immune system                                    

Element: Air.      

Positive Archetype: Healer                                             

*Respiration, Circulation & Immune System

Negative archetype: Actor    

Demons: Grief.           

Issues: Love, relationship, balance, compassion

5th Chakra- Vishuddha Chakra-Throat Chakra  

 Affirmation: You have the right to speak and be heard.

Meridians most affected: Lung and Large Intestines.       

Color: Blue

The 16-petaled lotus. 

Seed Sound: Ham   

Location:  Throat                                  

Element: Ether.      

Positive Archetype: Artist, communicator                            

*Thyroid, Parathyroid, Metabolism

Negative archetype: Demons: Lies                 

Issues: Communication, speaking one’s truth, self-expression

 6th Chakra- Ajna Chakra- Third Eye Chakra.      

Affirmation: You have the right to see clearly.

Meridians most affected: Conception, Governing            

Color: Violet 

The 2-petaled lotus. 

Seed Sound: Om   

Location:  Center of forehead               

Element: Light.     

Positive Archetype: Seer                                           

Pituitary, Brain, Hypothalamus, Endocrine System 

Negative archetype: Excessive intellectual,

Demons: Illusion                                                        

Issues: Clarity, vision, imagination, seeing things as they really are.

7th Chakra- Sahasrara Chakra- Crown Chakra.  

Affirmation: You have the right to know, understand.

Meridians most affected: None recognized                    

Color: Clear light

1000-petaled lotus. 

Seed Sound: Silence   

Location:  Crown of head               

Element: Pure Consciousness 

Positive Archetype: Sage, guru,                                     

Nervous System and Mind

Negative archetype: Egotist

Demons: Attachment. 

Issues: Growth, spirituality, eternity, mystery, relationship with the divine.


Sue Reynolds