Progress on Madison


I’ve finished a novel.  Madison is finally completed.   Really, I’ve written three.  The others are marinating in the desk drawer.  But this one, I want to carry forward over the publishing threshold.  I’m editing it for the third time and it will probably see a few more full edits before I’m through.  I’ve had an editor review the entire thing only to learn that I put the cart in front of the horse with that move.  If nothing else, I am beginning to understand the process.


I’ve sent out about twenty query letters to as many agents and received several very nice responses. Those responses made it clear that a website is pretty much a mandatory requirement.   I am now spending my summer building a website.  It is a fun endeavor.  I’m learning quite a bit and I am enjoying collecting personal content for it.


Oh, how I am tempted to put Madison in the desk and start a brand-new fresh novel.  I miss the free hand writing with abandon, getting into the writing flow, and loosing myself in the process.  So much fun!  But no. I am going to see this through.  I’ll keep you posted on my progress in this author blog space.  Have a wonderful summer.


RecipesSue Reynolds